Wednesday, December 9, 2009

mix is done

hola amigos

the mixing sessions are over, now our debut-masterpiece needs to get some final hairspray with the mastering and then we have it in the can finally!

can't express my happiness right now, cause it sounds absolutely great!

and of course we can't wait to let you hear as soon as possible...

Rock on!!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

it's coming, it's coming!

Hey peeps

Long time no update hugh?
But that doesn't mean we didn't have enough to do :-)

While Tom is on his way to mix the last song and do some final adjustments before mastering, I'm currently busy putting together some artwork related things, because a good sounding disc needs a look that kills right? Our artworker is doing some fantastic job so far, so there's no worries about that!

As soon as we have the master ready, we will let you get a piece of the action, promised ;-)

It's just starting to snow here in Switzerland ... unbelievable, but x-mas is just around the corner damnit, ...
